some favorite words

elation - delight - optimism - exaltation - jubilation - enthusiasm - illumination - spark
- insight - bliss - stimulation - kindle - arouse - inspire - invigorate - insatiable

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

splash 'n' dash

i have decided to do the byu splash 'n' dash (info here)
it's basically a shortened biathlon (just running and swimming).
i haven't been training or doing anything really...
school life is super time consuming.
HOWEVER, i officially want to make time to work out.
so i'm signing up for this TODAY so that i get my
rear in gear and start swimming/running asap. (aka TODAY)

they have multiple options for beginners (like me) to hard core athletes (not like me):
beginner: 1/4 mile swim, 3K run
standard: 1/2 mile swim, 5K run
elite: 1 mile swim, 10K run

and there's also a team option that, well, i don't really understand.
but anyway, i initially thought i would be all ambitious and do the standard.
my train of thought was as follows: i'll train really hard and take it WAY easy
on this thing and just get a feel for what a biathlon event could be like.
then i remembered that i haven't been involved in a daily exercise routine
since probably april of last year. also the event is in 2.5 weeks (March 26th).
hence the need for a shorter distance and i'll use this as a
stepping stone to getting back into a regular exercise routine.
i honestly love working out esp. running
(well, the high i get after a good run)
and lifting weights but i am convinced that
broadening my horizons (i.e. cycling and swimming)
will be awesome for me and i won't be allowed to get bored.

so, here's to working 
hard and having fun doing it!

ps-i'm going to be using the BYU facilities to get my work out on (bc it's cheap!)
and i realized it's very hard to find the information on free play in the RB/SFH online
so i will be posting my discoveries on all the wonderful services that are available for students.


  1. Thank you for inspiring me. Today I got a bike and I am going to learn all about the mechanics of biking and uh...not crashing! Good luck on your splash n'dash!

  2. Love the blog. Inspiration comes from many sources. This is now one for me

  3. I did the splash n' dash with my sister and it was one of the best events of my exercise life. We have the best memories and lots of funny things happened during this event that we STILL laugh about today.

    I wish I could go and cheer you on for this event but I'll be up in SLC for Alex's Antelope Island race. I can't wait to hear how it goes.

    They gave out really cool shirts the year I did it, hope you get a neat one this year too.

    Oh. Something they didn't tell us was that we needed a friend or family member to count our swim laps for us(I guess to verify that we didn't cheat on laps). They didn't tell us that ahead of time and we grabbed some random guys to count for us. It was awkward. I have no idea where our husbands were at this time. LOL.


everyone needs a good laugh from time to time....