some favorite words

elation - delight - optimism - exaltation - jubilation - enthusiasm - illumination - spark
- insight - bliss - stimulation - kindle - arouse - inspire - invigorate - insatiable

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

busy as a beaver

i feel like mondays and tuesdays will never be work out days. (at least not this semester)
i start each day at 8am and have evening classes both days. i'm basically on campus all
day and always have something to do.
fyi splash n dash is in 11 days. i've got to get my butt in the pool so i don't drown! 
honestly since i've just barely started swimming i'm just making the goal now that 
i will not stop in the water. o boy, i feel like that might even be too much to ask but 
that's what i'm goin for! 
i am very strongly considering going to the pool tomorrow at 6am in hopes
that there will be less people and i can focus on relaxed breathing rather than
worry about what people are thinking of the crazy air gasping girl in the black
swimsuit. (that would be me) so that means bedtime will be early tonight!!!

what do you do when you feel you 
have no time to exercise but really want to??

Sunday, March 13, 2011

se me olvidó...(i forgot...)

i forgot to include muses from yesterday's workout!
¡lo siento! (español for i'm sorry) apparently i'm in a
spanish mood bc i sang the hymns today in church in
spanish with my friend who had a spanish hymnbook lol
ok anyway, muses from yesterday:
my brother-totally inspiring and amazing
i LOVE playing sports! so excited to play more football
i kind of realized that even after my legs were super 
fatigued from biking, i could still jog. 
i can do more than i thought i could =]

Saturday, March 12, 2011


so yesterday i was a slacker. well, not entirely true, i didn't skip a workout
because i was too lazy, i skipped it bc i honestly had no time to go. so, i'll
chalk that one up as a rest day =]
today however was awesome!!! 
my ward is having a powder puff football game 
next week and today we had a practice but only 
4 girls from our team showed up....o well, more 
ball time for me! it was so fun to catch and throw a 
football again and just run like crazy from someone 
trying to pull my flag (so, we didn't actually have 
flags to practice with but i was visualizing.) 
it was just a really fun morning. 
i love how playing sports can just bring such a joy and
happiness to exercising. it's like you don't really think
of it as exercising bc you're just playing around. that's
how it is to me at least, i just love playing football. so after
that practice i came home, did some laundry, and then went
out for a bike ride along side my running brother (who is
training for a 50 miler on March 26th) and that kid gives me
such motivation i can't believe it.
he is one of the hardest 
working people i know and
there is no way to stop him 
when he has a goal in mind 
(particularly if it has to do 
with running-he just loves it). 
he also has some of the most 
amazing stamina and endurance 
i've ever seen and i wanna be just 
like him when i grow up! 
haha, well i'm pretty sure that will never happen but he really is a
great example of hard work and perseverance and i just can't say
enough great things about him. he's my older brother, what can ya do?
so at some point during this run/bike ride we switched positions.
it was completely unintentional on my part but maybe he was being
sneaky. i got off the bike at a hard part where i just couldn't go
anymore and, like a gentleman, he pushed the bike so i could focus on
not falling over. anyway, once we got to a flat/downhill part he got on
and rode slow next to me. then i had to start jogging a little to keep up.
definitely a sneaky little maneuver! anyway, he would give me little
challenges like jogging to the top of this hill or past that funny looking
rock and it was fabulous. i still can't believe my legs were still moving
at that point but it was great to have a motivator there right by my side.
at one point after he gave me my next challenge i 
said,"o goody cuz my legs are on fire!" his response 
was,"good, fire is a good thing" lol 
so sympathetic, right?? 
but i kept goin and accomplished all my challenges
(at a snail's jogging pace, mind you)
and felt great afterward! i really can't say enough how
great exercising makes me feel though i don't know if
anyone would think "ya, legs on fire, thirsty, sweaty, and
tired all sound like really fun things right now." well, ok
maybe not when you say it like that! but seriously i get
such a high off working out i can't believe it!
it's the most amazing feeling and i can't even put it into words.
how would u describe the post workout 
high you get without using the word 'high'??

Friday, March 11, 2011

race across the sky

the leadville trail 100 is a mountain bike race with 14,000 ft of elevation
climb in 100 miles. this is just a teaser for the movie/documentary they
made on it in 2009 when Lance Armstrong beat out the 6 time winner
Dave Wiens. I own the full movie (it is absolutely worth the $30!!) and
let me tell you, after watching that you feel like you can do ANYTHING!

out of context

my chem professor said something interesting last week while givin a lecture.
he had a PowerPoint slide up of a practice problem we should work on/know
how to do. after seeing lots of the students sittin there not doing anything he said,
"if you don't know what to do, do something" 
I loved it and have been thinking about it ever since. That simple statement
can apply to lots of things in our lives including exercise. even if you don't
know what to do, do SOMETHING that will get you closer to your goal,
whether it be fit into a smaller swimsuit for the summer or run a marathon in
under 3 hours, as the chinese proverb goes,
"the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step".
you can't meet a goal if you never start!
so get out there and do something!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

new experiences

wow my workout was A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
(and yes, it was necessary for me to spell it out)
first of all, i need to tell you about the playlist i came 
up with for today's run. now, don't think me weird
but i specifically planned out what order i wanted 
these songs in to line up with my warm-up, stretch, 
work out, and cool down. there was no such thing as 
shuffle tonight! ok, here it is (with length of songs included):
Warm-up (brisk walk):
"The World's Greatest" R. Kelly (3:56)
"Rockstar" Hannah Montana aka Miley Cyrus (3:00)
"Just the Way You Are" Bruno Mars (3:40)
Run/Jog/Brisk Walk:
"The Space Between" Valencia (3:39)
"Stronger" Kanye West (5:12)
"Supermassive Black Hole" Muse (3:30)
"I'd Do Anything" Simple Plan (3:17)
"Show Me Everything You've Got" The Rocket Summer (4:48)
"Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous" Good Charlotte (3:10)
"Forget You" Glee Cast Version ft. Gwyneth Paltrow (3:41)
Cool Down (quick walk, not quite as 
fast as the warm up or during work 
out but fast enough to keep your heart 
rate from dropping rapidly):
"Yellow" Coldplay (4:29)
"Fix You" Coldplay (4:55)

Grand Totals:
Warm-Up: 6:56
Stretch: 3:40
Work Out: 27:17
Cool Down: 9:24
There are just so many things I want to say about this playlist, 
I don't even know where to start. I know there are some pretty 
old songs on here plus some that make me sound like a 12 yr old 
girl however, they are good, upbeat, keep-you-goin songs that 
just help me during a run. 
What songs keep you going? 
Or do you prefer to not listen to music?

FYI: my run was interrupted by minor drink breaks, 
a bathroom break, and a 2 minute social break when 
i saw one of my friends and her fiancee (just thought 
you should know i DID take breaks. i'm not up to a 
level where i can't. just keepin it real peeps)

After my run I swam laps as promised! 
and HOLY CRAP i have this all new respect 
for professional swimmers. 
i honestly thought i would be fine, 
i was such a natural as a kid, but woah was i wrong! 
i probably only did 3 laps (6 lengths) and had to stop 
at the end of each length to catch my breath. i felt so 
dumb and probably looked it too, i just couldn't get in 
a rhythm of breathing. but that's what practice is for right??? 
so, having learned a lesson from tonight, my next
swimming adventure (hopefully tomorrow) will be
just that-a swimming adventure (i.e. no running first).
i'll get in the slow lane and take my time getting used
to breathing the right way during a freestyle stroke.
guess that's what i get for being over confident.
i am, however, extremely happy that i did it because
i worked some muscles down the sides of my upper
body and back that i didn't even know existed! yay!! 

tbs=heaven on my tongue.
ok, post work out meal included my typical TBS (triple berry smoothie) 
and an egg scramble. i had planned on having meatballs for dinner bc 
they're in my freezer.....but when i got home all i wanted was eggs. 
so, following my craving (bc i most always do!) i scrambled some eggs, salt, pepper, turkey (the lunch meat kind-hey, i'm a poor college student), 
provolone cheese, and salsa. mmmmmm it was a delicious meal. 
and now i am super excited to shower and go cuddle up in my bed!
finished product =)
in the process....

muses from today:
i am so terribly excited to work at swimming and 
get to the point where i feel comfortable doing it
craving healthy protein-filled foods after a workout
new playlists that give me a great beat!
i now smell like chlorine....i LOVE this smell!! =]

BYU freeplay schedule!

so, i was having the hardest time getting info 
on the facilities that are available to BYU 
students and when they are open online. 
i ended up going down to the RB and getting 
a little slip of paper with all the times on it. 
i am righting this wrong by publishing this 
information on the world wide web! 
although, i'm sure im not the first to do it....o well.
this is for this semester: winter 2011
apparently a wristband is required for use in all facilities
but...not quite sure where to get one of those. we'll see.
basketball: M-Th 6am-8am, 12pm-1pm; F, S 6am-10pm
volleyball: M-Th 6am-8am, 12pm-1pm; F, S 6am-10pm
pool: M-F 6am-7:15am, 7-9:50 pm; S 1pm-9:50pm
indoor track: M-F 5:30am-8:45am, 11:45am-1:15pm, 5pm-10pm; S 6-11am, 1-10pm
outdoor track: M-S 5:30am-12pm, 6-1pm (?)
wallyball: M-Th 6pm-10pm; F 8am-10pm; S 6am-10pm by reservation only
raquetball: M-Th 6-10pm; F 8am-10pm; S 6am-10pm
outdoor tennis: MW 6-9am, 11am-12pm, 7pm-10pm; TTh 6-9am, 11am-12pm, 7pm-10pm; F, S 6am-10pm
indoor tennis: M-F 6-11am, 6-10pm; S 6-9am, 12-10pm
badminton: 6-10pm
all freeplay is subject to change due to intramurals, sports camps, and athletic events and all facilities are closed for devotionals Tuesday 10:45am-12:05pm

ow! [kinda]

so, today i'm a little sore from last night.
i know, i didn't go that far or very fast but getting back into an
exercise routine is definitely hard to do. to me the key is to take it 
slow at first, just get your body and muscles used to working 
before you go and kill yourself training. 
and definitely don't get discouraged if you can't complete 
a workout that you think you should be able to do! 
ESPECIALLY when you're first starting out, 
it should be about taking it slow because the 
last thing you want to do is: 
1) get injured
2) get so burnt out that you never 
want to move ever again. 
so, yes my legs are feelin it a bit today but i love that. 
i feel like if i'm at this level of soreness it means that i 
worked my muscles but that i didn't go so hard that it 
will be impossible for me to run (or even move) today. 

plan for today's workout:
run 1.5 miles on the track taking it really easy.
probably run for 2 minutes, walk 1, etc.
then i'm going to try my hand at swimming.
haha that will be funny.
i haven't swam competitively since i was....8? so we'll 
see how difficult it is for me to remember how to swim in a lane! 
i'm super excited tho, i went to the RB (Richards Building)
to check out how busy the lanes would be around 7:30.
there were people down there for sure but it didn't look
impossible to join in.
all i wanted to do was go jump in that water right 
that second but don't worry, i didn't. i had my clothes 
on, after all. i don't think they would have loved that.

in other news i went to sports chalet last night to find:
a) swimsuit 
b) goggles 
c) stop watch 
and i was in luck!
everything i got was on sale and while i still spent more
than i would have liked to i feel like as long as I get
good use out of everything it will be completely worth it.

muses for today's workout:
excited to get back in the water and do something different!
i'm going to put together a new playlist that i will share tomorrow (i haven't actually made it yet)
i love this sore feeling and am excited to have it again tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

first workout!

this evening i walked over to the Smith Fieldhouse (BYU) to run some laps on the indoor track.
for every workout i do, i start with a 5 minute-ish warm-up, stretch, then go for it. o and a 5 minute-ish cool down post 'going for it'.
stretching honestly does wonders for me and i feel 
so much more excited to run after i've done it 
and it make my legs feel great!
i did about 2 miles combining 2 laps running/jogging 
with 1/2 a lap walking at a quick pace. 
i love the feeling i have after getting lots of 
oxygen and blood pumping thru my body. 
it just makes me feel like i can conquer the world! 
coming out of the Smith Fieldhouse the weather 
was perfect, and i mean PERFECT for a cool down 
walk. there was a light breeze, cool temp, and a 
beautiful sunset. 
i was also looking forward to the fabulous and 
simple smoothie i would make when i got home:
triple berry blend (frozen)
EAS whey protein powder
1% milk
mm-mmmm tasty =] 
that smoothie is my ideal post workout snack/meal. 
just thinking about it makes me want to go work out again!

muses from this post:
triple berry smoothie (pretty sure that's my muse for EVERY workout)
stretching - gets my muscles loose and ready to rock!
wonderful weather which will hopefully continue tomorrow

splash 'n' dash

i have decided to do the byu splash 'n' dash (info here)
it's basically a shortened biathlon (just running and swimming).
i haven't been training or doing anything really...
school life is super time consuming.
HOWEVER, i officially want to make time to work out.
so i'm signing up for this TODAY so that i get my
rear in gear and start swimming/running asap. (aka TODAY)

they have multiple options for beginners (like me) to hard core athletes (not like me):
beginner: 1/4 mile swim, 3K run
standard: 1/2 mile swim, 5K run
elite: 1 mile swim, 10K run

and there's also a team option that, well, i don't really understand.
but anyway, i initially thought i would be all ambitious and do the standard.
my train of thought was as follows: i'll train really hard and take it WAY easy
on this thing and just get a feel for what a biathlon event could be like.
then i remembered that i haven't been involved in a daily exercise routine
since probably april of last year. also the event is in 2.5 weeks (March 26th).
hence the need for a shorter distance and i'll use this as a
stepping stone to getting back into a regular exercise routine.
i honestly love working out esp. running
(well, the high i get after a good run)
and lifting weights but i am convinced that
broadening my horizons (i.e. cycling and swimming)
will be awesome for me and i won't be allowed to get bored.

so, here's to working 
hard and having fun doing it!

ps-i'm going to be using the BYU facilities to get my work out on (bc it's cheap!)
and i realized it's very hard to find the information on free play in the RB/SFH online
so i will be posting my discoveries on all the wonderful services that are available for students.

everyone needs a good laugh from time to time....