some favorite words

elation - delight - optimism - exaltation - jubilation - enthusiasm - illumination - spark
- insight - bliss - stimulation - kindle - arouse - inspire - invigorate - insatiable

Saturday, March 12, 2011


so yesterday i was a slacker. well, not entirely true, i didn't skip a workout
because i was too lazy, i skipped it bc i honestly had no time to go. so, i'll
chalk that one up as a rest day =]
today however was awesome!!! 
my ward is having a powder puff football game 
next week and today we had a practice but only 
4 girls from our team showed up....o well, more 
ball time for me! it was so fun to catch and throw a 
football again and just run like crazy from someone 
trying to pull my flag (so, we didn't actually have 
flags to practice with but i was visualizing.) 
it was just a really fun morning. 
i love how playing sports can just bring such a joy and
happiness to exercising. it's like you don't really think
of it as exercising bc you're just playing around. that's
how it is to me at least, i just love playing football. so after
that practice i came home, did some laundry, and then went
out for a bike ride along side my running brother (who is
training for a 50 miler on March 26th) and that kid gives me
such motivation i can't believe it.
he is one of the hardest 
working people i know and
there is no way to stop him 
when he has a goal in mind 
(particularly if it has to do 
with running-he just loves it). 
he also has some of the most 
amazing stamina and endurance 
i've ever seen and i wanna be just 
like him when i grow up! 
haha, well i'm pretty sure that will never happen but he really is a
great example of hard work and perseverance and i just can't say
enough great things about him. he's my older brother, what can ya do?
so at some point during this run/bike ride we switched positions.
it was completely unintentional on my part but maybe he was being
sneaky. i got off the bike at a hard part where i just couldn't go
anymore and, like a gentleman, he pushed the bike so i could focus on
not falling over. anyway, once we got to a flat/downhill part he got on
and rode slow next to me. then i had to start jogging a little to keep up.
definitely a sneaky little maneuver! anyway, he would give me little
challenges like jogging to the top of this hill or past that funny looking
rock and it was fabulous. i still can't believe my legs were still moving
at that point but it was great to have a motivator there right by my side.
at one point after he gave me my next challenge i 
said,"o goody cuz my legs are on fire!" his response 
was,"good, fire is a good thing" lol 
so sympathetic, right?? 
but i kept goin and accomplished all my challenges
(at a snail's jogging pace, mind you)
and felt great afterward! i really can't say enough how
great exercising makes me feel though i don't know if
anyone would think "ya, legs on fire, thirsty, sweaty, and
tired all sound like really fun things right now." well, ok
maybe not when you say it like that! but seriously i get
such a high off working out i can't believe it!
it's the most amazing feeling and i can't even put it into words.
how would u describe the post workout 
high you get without using the word 'high'??

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