some favorite words

elation - delight - optimism - exaltation - jubilation - enthusiasm - illumination - spark
- insight - bliss - stimulation - kindle - arouse - inspire - invigorate - insatiable

Thursday, March 10, 2011

ow! [kinda]

so, today i'm a little sore from last night.
i know, i didn't go that far or very fast but getting back into an
exercise routine is definitely hard to do. to me the key is to take it 
slow at first, just get your body and muscles used to working 
before you go and kill yourself training. 
and definitely don't get discouraged if you can't complete 
a workout that you think you should be able to do! 
ESPECIALLY when you're first starting out, 
it should be about taking it slow because the 
last thing you want to do is: 
1) get injured
2) get so burnt out that you never 
want to move ever again. 
so, yes my legs are feelin it a bit today but i love that. 
i feel like if i'm at this level of soreness it means that i 
worked my muscles but that i didn't go so hard that it 
will be impossible for me to run (or even move) today. 

plan for today's workout:
run 1.5 miles on the track taking it really easy.
probably run for 2 minutes, walk 1, etc.
then i'm going to try my hand at swimming.
haha that will be funny.
i haven't swam competitively since i was....8? so we'll 
see how difficult it is for me to remember how to swim in a lane! 
i'm super excited tho, i went to the RB (Richards Building)
to check out how busy the lanes would be around 7:30.
there were people down there for sure but it didn't look
impossible to join in.
all i wanted to do was go jump in that water right 
that second but don't worry, i didn't. i had my clothes 
on, after all. i don't think they would have loved that.

in other news i went to sports chalet last night to find:
a) swimsuit 
b) goggles 
c) stop watch 
and i was in luck!
everything i got was on sale and while i still spent more
than i would have liked to i feel like as long as I get
good use out of everything it will be completely worth it.

muses for today's workout:
excited to get back in the water and do something different!
i'm going to put together a new playlist that i will share tomorrow (i haven't actually made it yet)
i love this sore feeling and am excited to have it again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You were an amazing swimmer way back then...I can't wait to hear how the swimming experience goes. About the playlist do do use the ipod in the water...IPOD's and sweat or water destroy the music playing machine! =)


everyone needs a good laugh from time to time....