some favorite words

elation - delight - optimism - exaltation - jubilation - enthusiasm - illumination - spark
- insight - bliss - stimulation - kindle - arouse - inspire - invigorate - insatiable

Friday, March 11, 2011

race across the sky

the leadville trail 100 is a mountain bike race with 14,000 ft of elevation
climb in 100 miles. this is just a teaser for the movie/documentary they
made on it in 2009 when Lance Armstrong beat out the 6 time winner
Dave Wiens. I own the full movie (it is absolutely worth the $30!!) and
let me tell you, after watching that you feel like you can do ANYTHING!

1 comment:

  1. Do you think Alex and I could borrow this movie sometime? Maybe we can all watch it together this Sunday?


everyone needs a good laugh from time to time....